No matter what type of small pet business you have like a boarding facility, grooming business, rescue, veterinary or even a small pet store. If you are responsible for multiple pets or even someone’s family pet you need to have an emergency plan.

Disasters can come without warning but where do you start. When you have to evacuate with pets it adds an extra layer of complication. Then there are different types of disasters, some you need to shelter in place and have a safe room in your facility and some like a fire or flood where you might need to evacuate quickly to a shelter. Start by assessing what type of disasters you might have in your area. This will determine what type of emergency you should plan for.

If you are responsible for pets whether your own or someone else’s you should start to evacuate at the first sign of danger. Do not wait for an order to evacuate. By then it could be to late.

It’s also important that you get your entire staff and/or family involved so everyone knows the plan and can help if disaster strikes. Assigning duties can speed up the evacuation process if everyone knows their role.

Checklist Small Business Evacuating with pets

Once you assessed your needs, find a place within your facility to store your supplies. This should be a place that is easy to access and be able to get to quickly. If your plan is to shelter in place make sure you shelter in a basement or interior room without windows. This might be where you store your emergency supplies. If your plan is to bug out it can help if your supplies are on wheels or you can mobilize them quickly.

For a downloadable version of the Checklist click here. If you need more help with your emergency plan contact the pros at or check out our custom page where you can build your supplies based on what you need for your pet business.

Planning today could help save your pet’s lives tomorrow.

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