• Mobil App Weather Alerts

    Setting up a weather alert on your phone is highly recommended, especially if you have pets.

  • How long does pet food last?

    How long does pet food last, it really depends on the type of pet food and how you store it.

  • National Pet Preparedness Month

    June is National Pet Preparedness Month. Make a plan today to keep your pet's safe tomorrow.

  • How to keep pets safe during a Tornado

      Most tornadoes can strike suddenly, so preparing to safeguard our pets in advance is crucial. Animals left unprotected during emergencies can face severe risks. When a tornado warning is issued, seek shelter in a secure interior[...]

  • What should be in a pet emergency kit?

    The Top 10 items to put in your pet's emergency Kit. Be prepared to evacuate with your pets.

  • How Much Water do you put in a Pet Emergency Kit?

    To answer the question regarding how much water do you put in a pet emergency kit, it is important to consider a few things when preparing your pet's emergency kit.

  • Tips for Pet Safety and Longevity

    Our beloved pets are with us for such a short time. It's up to us to make sure they live a long and healthy life.

  • Voted Best for Natural Disaster in “The 4 Best Dog First Aid Kits of 2024” by The Spruce Pets

    Pet Evac Pak Voted Best for Natural Disaster in The 4 Best Dog First Aid Kits of 2024 by The Spruce Pets

  • Pet-Safe First Aid Products for Your Furry Friends

    The last thing we want is to make our pets sick if we don't have the right products to treat them in an emergency

  • Preparing for an Earthquake with Pets

    Have you ever wondered what should I do with my pet if there were an earthquake?

  • Prepare Your Pet for Emergencies

    It's a great time to start making your pet's emergency plan. Pet Evac Pak is here to help!

  • Evacuating With Your Cat

    When evacuating moments count and using a slip lead could help save your pets life.